Explanatory Material (many
from www.fftw.org)
Tutorials and introductions to Fourier transforms and FFTs,
in no particular order.
- The Mathworld (Mathmatica) page on Fourier
- The Wikepedia page on Fourier Transforms,
often a good place to start. Note that the definition differs from what is
used in 360 and crystallography in general.
- There is a survey and
history of FFT algorithms and related information in the free Wikipedia collaborative encyclopedia.
- Numerical Recipes,
which is readable on-line (with
a special plugin, unfortunately), has a decent introduction to
Fourier transforms, DFTs, and FFTs (albeit
somewhat dated).
- For a good description of the FFT literature c. 1997
(with many references), see C. S. Burrus's "Notes on the FFT" (our mirror of the
now-missing original).
- The Scientist's
and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing is an entire DSP
book free online by Steven W. Smith.
- Another book online: Mathematics of the Discrete
Fourier Transform (DFT)—With Music and Audio Applications,
by Julius O. Smith III.
- The Picture
Book of Fourier Transforms by Kevin Cowtan gives an interesting
graphical tutorial on the interpretation of 2D FFT output, with a special
emphasis on crystallography. There is also a tutorial on Fourier
transforms, the convolution theorem, and other material.
- An"intuitive
explanation of Fourier theory" by Steven Lehar.
and FFT Introduction by Paul Bourke, describing the discrete Fourier
transform in one and two dimensions in terms of the continuous transform,
with examples of the transforms of various functions. Also has
introductions to digital filters,
filtering, and other related
- A chapter on the history of
Fourier's theorem, from the charming book Trigonometric Delights
(readable online) by Eli Maor.
- A biography
of Jean Fourier can be found at the excellent MacTutor History of
Mathematics Archive; there is also another biography of Jean
Fourier on Wikipedia.
- The
FFT Demystified is a site by Adrian Hey
covering many introductory and not-so-introductory aspects of FFT
algorithms (original has disappeared; now mirrored by the Internet Archive.
- The book Numerical
Computing with MATLAB online has a tutorial on Fourier analysis
based on Matlab's
function (which uses
- A mostly non-mathematical introduction to Fourier
transforms at the site of a DSP company with the (hopefully
non-descriptive) name of Bores.
- DSP Dimension,
by Stephan M. Bernsee, contains tutorials and other links for Fourier
analysis and DSP, focusing on audio processing.
- dspGuru contains
various tutorials, FAQs, and other information related to digital signal
processing (and FFTs).
- DSPRelated.com is
another site collecting DSP links and discussion groups.
- A "graphical
interpretation" of the DFT and FFT, by Steve Mann.
- Scanned copies of the original Cooley &
Tukey FFT paper, placed online by Charles Chiu
- Integrate your function times a complex exponential...
Sing along with "Fourier's
- The FFT Laboratory
site has a neat Java
applet for experimenting with the DFT.