"Brahms believed that there was no need to publish everything that Schubert ever wrote."
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Solid-like Growth
L. D. Marks
Thin Solid Films 136, 309 (1986)

Competition between Pair-wise and Volume Forces at Noble Metal Surfaces
V. Heine and L. D. Marks
Surface Science 165, 65 (1986)

Atomic Imaging of Oxygen Desorption from Tungsten Trioxide
A. K. Petford, L. D. Marks and M. O'Keeffe
Surface Science 172, 496 (1986)

Quasi-melting of Small Particles
L. D. Marks, P. M. Ajayan and J. Dundurs
Ultramicroscopy 20, 496 (1986)

Order-Disorder in YBa2Cu3O7
L. D. Marks, J. P. Zhang, S. -J. Hwu and K. R. Poeppelmeier
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 69, 189 (1987)

950 C Subsolidus Phase Diagram for Y-Ba-Cu-O in air
G. Wang, S.-J. Hwu, S.N. Song, J. B. Ketterson, L. D. Marks, K. R. Poeppelmeier and T. O. Mason
Advances in Ceramic Materials 2, (3B) 313-326 (1987)

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