"Brahms believed that there was no need to publish everything that Schubert ever wrote."
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
SrTiO3(001) surface structures under oxidizing conditions
N. Erdman and L. D. Marks
Surface Science 526, 107 (2003)

Epitaxial decagonal thin films on crystalline substrates
E. J. Widjaja and L. D. Marks
Phil Mag Letters, 83, 47 (2003)

On the potential role of hydroxyl groups in CO oxidation over Au/Al2O3
C. K. Costello, J. H. Yang, H. Y. Law, Y. Wang, J.-N. Lin, L. D. Marks, M. C. Kung and H. H. Kung
Applied Catalysis, 243, 15 (2003)

Microstructural Evolution of Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystalline Thin Films
E. J. Widjaja and L. D. Marks
Thin Solid Films 441, p. 63-71 (2003)

Single-crystal growth of magnesium orthovanadate, Mg-3(VO4)(2), by the optical floating zone technique
J. D. Pless, N. Erdman, D. Ko, L. D. Marks, P. C. Stair and K. R. Poeppelmeier
Crystal Growth and Design 3, 615 (2003)

Surface structures of SrTiO3 (001): A TiO2-rich reconstruction with a c(4 x 2) unit cell
N. Erdman, O. Warschkow, M. Asta, K. R. Poeppelmeier, D. E. Ellis and L. D. Marks
Journal Of The American Chemical Society 125, 10050 (2003)

Direct Synthesis of AgInO2
D.Y. Shahriari, N. Erdman, U.T.M. Haug, M.C. Zarzyczny, L.D. Marks and K.R. Poeppelmeier
J. Phys. Chem. of Solids, 64, 1437 (2003)

Sufficient conditions for Direct Methods with Swift Electrons
L. D. Marks and W. Sinkler
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 9, 399 (2003)

Coincidence of Reciprocal Lattice Planes Model for Quasicrystal-Crystal Epitaxy
E. J. Widjaja and L. D. Marks
Physical Review B, 68, 134211 (2003)

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