2220 Campus Dr.
Cook Hall 2036
Evanston, IL 60208-3108
rjpaull at u dot northwestern dot edu
Supported nanoparticles are often used in heterogeneous catalysis because the support keeps the nanoparticle catalysts dispersed and helps minimize sintering and the loss of active sites. Many support-catalyst interactions exist, so the synergistic combination of catalyst, support, reactants, and products must be taken into account. In this effort, I study how the structural and catalytic properties of noble metal catalysts change by using different lanthanide scandate supports to better determine what support properties matter in various different reactions.
Northwestern University - Evanston, IL
Ph.D. Candidate, Materials Science and Engineering
September 2014 - present
University of California, Berkeley - Berkeley, CA
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering
August 2009 - May 2014
Hierarchial Materials Cluster Program
Awarded 2015
GradSWE, Administrative Chair