Computer Lab

1. Workstations

A set of HP UX workstations (UNIX) are used for image simulation and diffraction calculations.

A dual Opteron-based system containing a large RAID array serves as the fileserver for the workstations.
We also keep around a couple decades-old Apollo legacy workstations. These computers are extremely rugged and dependable. Originally, NUMIS was written for Apollo workstations. The user interfaces for utilities included in NUMIS (Dfile, Atplot, Project, and Prophet) are also specially configured to be used on Apollo workstations.

2. Personal Computers

Our group has had a tradition of having a PC on every desk for each student and Postdoc. An MP Athlon system runs a fastscan CC imaging unit for the UHV H-9000, performing real-time image processing and FFT analysis on captured images. Also, for some of the data processing and numerical analysis we can use high level languages and symbolic math processors such as MATLAB andMAPLE, respectively.

we are using a 486 machine for controlling the PHI Electronics Spherical Electron Energy Analyzer, simply the XPS unit. Legacy systems play MP3's in the lab to keep gruaduat students sane.

3. Linux Clusters

We have recently built a Linux cluster "Joesephsmith" for running DFT (Density Functional Theory) calculations and for compiling code. The system comprises a Dual Xeon head node with 2GB of memory and 10 dual-channel P4 compute nodes with 2GB each. The system is home- built from off-the-shelf parts and is interconnected via a small SOHO gigabit switch and basic KVM.

We are also building another Linux cluster "Hyrumsmith". The new cluster compute nodes have single Pentium 4 processor with 3GB memory each. The system is interconnected via an "Infiniband" switch, which has a very low latency and enhances band width drastically.